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Object Oriented Design using Design Patterns培训
   班级人数--热线:4008699035 手机:15921673576( 微信同号)
      增加互动环节, 保障培训效果,坚持小班授课,每个班级的人数限3到5人,超过限定人数,安排到下一期进行学习。
上课地点:【上海】:同济大学(沪西)/新城金郡商务楼(11号线白银路站) 【深圳分部】:电影大厦(地铁一号线大剧院站)/深圳大学成教院 【北京分部】:北京中山学院/福鑫大楼 【南京分部】:金港大厦(和燕路) 【武汉分部】:佳源大厦(高新二路) 【成都分部】:领馆区1号(中和大道) 【广州分部】:广粮大厦 【西安分部】:协同大厦 【沈阳分部】:沈阳理工大学/六宅臻品 【郑州分部】:郑州大学/锦华大厦 【石家庄分部】:河北科技大学/瑞景大厦
        ☆注重质量 ☆边讲边练


      ☆ 1、如有部分内容理解不透或消化不好,可免费在以后培训班中重听;
      ☆ 2、在课程结束之后,授课老师会留给学员手机和E-mail,免费提供半年的课程技术支持,以便保证培训后的继续消化;

  1. Software Engineering 5 days
    Day 1: Project Management
    Project versus line management and maintenance and support
    Project definition and project forms
    Management – general rules and project management
    Management styles
    What is special for IT projects?
    Basic project process
    Iterative, incremental, waterfall, agile and lean project process
    Project phases
    Project roles
    Project documentation and other artefacts
    Soft factors and peopleware
    PRINCE 2, PMBOK, PMI, IPMA and other project standards
    Day 2: Business Analysis and Requirements Engineering Fundamentals
    Defining business goals
    Business analysis, business process management, business process improvement
    The boundary between business and system analysis
    System stakeholders, system users, system context and system boudaries
    Why are requirements necessary?
    What us requirements engineering
    The boundary between requirements engineering and architectural design
    Where is requirements engineering often hidden?
    Requirements engineering in iterative, lean, and agile development and in continuous integration – FDD, DDD, BDD, TDD
    Basic requirements engineering process, roles and artefacts
    Standards and certifications: BABOK, ISO/IEEE 29148, IREB, BCS, IIBA
    Day 3: Architecture and Development Fundamentals
    Programming languages – structural and object-oriented paradigms
    Object-oriented development – how much is history, how much is the future
    Modularity, portability, maintainability and scalability of architectures
    Definition and type of software architectures
    Enterprise architecture and system architecture
    Programming styles
    Programming environments
    Programming mistakes and how to avoid and prevent them
    Modelling architecture and components
    SOA, Web Services and micro-services
    Automatic build and continuous integration
    How much architecture design is there on a project?
    Extreme programming, TDD and re-factoring
    Day 4: Quality Assurance and Testing Fundamentals
    Product quality: what is it? ISO 25010, FURPS etc.
    Product quality, user experience, Kano Model, customer experience management and integral quality
    User-centred design, personas and other ways to make quality individual
    Just-enough quality
    Quality Assurance and Quality Control
    Risk strategies in quality control
    The components of quality assurance: requirements, process control, configuration and change management, verification, validation, testing, static testing and static analysis
    Risk-based quality assurance
    Risk-based testing
    Risk-driven development
    Boehm’s curve in quality assurance and in testing
    The four testing schools – which suits your need?
    Day 5: Process Types, Maturity and Process Improvement
    The evolution of IT process: from Alan Turing through Big Blue to lean startup
    Process and process-oriented organization
    The history of processes in crafts and industries
    Process modelling: UML, BPMN and more
    Process management, process optimization, process re-engineering and process management systems
    Innovative process approaches: Deming, Juran, TPS, Kaizen
    Is (process) quality free? (Philip Crosby)
    The need and history of maturity improvement: CMMI, SPICE and other maturity scales
    Special types of maturity: TMM, TPI (for testing), Requirements Engineering Maturity (Gorschek)
    Process maturity versus product maturity: any correlation? Any causal relationship?
    Process maturity versus business success: any correlation? any causal relationship?
    A forsaken lesson: Automated Defect Prevention and The Next Leap in Productivity
    Attempts: TQM, SixSigma, agile retrospectives, process frameworks
    Requirements Engineering - 2 days
    Day 1: Requirements Elicitation, Negotiation, Consolidation and Management
    Finding requirements: what, when and by whom
    Stakeholder classification
    Forgotten stakeholders
    Defining system context – defining requirements sources
    Elicitation methods and techniques
    Prototyping, personas, and requirements elicitation through testing (exploratory and otherwise)
    Marketing and requirements elicitation – MDRA (“Market-Driven Requirements Engineering”)
    Prioritising requirements: MoSCoW, Karl Wiegers and other techniques (including agile MMF)
    Refining requirements – agile “specification by example”
    Requirements negotiation: types of conflicts, conflict-solving methods
    Solving internal incongruence between some types of requirements (e.g. security versus ease of use)
    Requirements traceability – why and how
    Requirements status changes
    Requirements CCM, versioning and baselines
    Product view and project view on requirements
    Product management and requirements management in projects
    Day 2: Requirements Analysis, Modelling, Specification, Verification and Validation
    Analysis is the thinking and re-thinking you do between elicitation and specification
    Requirements process is always iterative, even in sequential projects
    Describing requirements in natural language: risks and benefits
    Requirements modelling: benefits and costs
    The rules for using natural language for requirements specification
    Defining and managing requirements glossary
    UML, BPMN and other formal and semi-formal modelling notations for requirements
    Using document and sentence templates for requirements description
    Verification of requirements – goals, levels and methods
    Validation – with prototyping, reviews and inspections, and testing
    Requirements validation and system validation
    Testing - 2 days
    Day 1: Test Design, Test Execution and Exploratory Testing
    Test design: after risk-based testing, choosing the optimum way to use the time and resources available
    Test design “from infinity to here” – exhaustive testing is not possible
    Test cases and test scenarios
    Test design on various test levels (from unit to system test level)
    Test design for static and for dynamic testing
    Business-oriented and technique-oriented test design (“black-box” and “white-box”)
    Attempting to break the system (“negative testing”) and supporting the developers (acceptance testing)
    Test design to achieve test coverage – various test coverage measures
    Experience-based test design
    Designing test cases from requirements and system models
    Test design heuristics and exploratory testing
    When to design test cases? – traditional and exploratory approach
    Describing test cases – how much detail?
    Test execution – psychological aspects
    Test execution – logging and reporting
    Designing tests for “non-functional” testing
    Automatic test design and MBT (Model-Based Testing)
    Day 2: Test Organization, Management and Automation
    Test levels (or phases)
    Who does the testing, and when? – various solutions
    Test environments: cost, administration, access, responsibility
    Simulators, emulators and virtual test environment
    Testing in agile scrum
    Test team organization and role
    Test process
    Test automation – what can be automated?
    Test execution automation – approaches and tools
  备案号:沪ICP备08026168号 .(2014年7月11)...................
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